A few days ago, when I posted the video about setting up your .cut files for layered characters (here is a LINK to that post), I had a request for the file for Mulan. I went back and looked at my files and realized that when I did the original post about Mulan over a year ago (here is a LINK) I used this method but didn't actually create a reference page in the file.

So I went back and revised the file and sent it to the person who needed it. I thought I should go ahead and post the file for anyone else who might be working on Mulan - these files are a real time saver once you do the initial set-up.

There are a lot of extra pages in the file to create this color preview. Remember, you just need to look at the sizes, colors and placement of the papers on page two of the file, set up your mat with the proper papers and then cut from page one. You will have all of the pieces you need, cut in the proper colors and ready to use to build your character. Of course you can vary the colors of the costume - I was trying to get close to the colors used in the movie (but I was limited to the cardstock I had on hand).
(Thanks to everyone who sent get well wishes - I taught a class today with a very croaky voice but I think I am starting to get a bit better. We are off to a family reunion tomorrow so I am hoping that I will be over this cold soon).
Mulan at five inches
Beautiful! I love Mulan, she is my fave Disney Princess.