It's that time of year - so much to do and never enough hours! I wanted to let my regular readers know that all is well - I just have been preoccupied with family matters and holiday preparations so I haven't been able to post any designs for a bit. I do have a few that I have been working on by request and lots of exciting plans for the New Year.
But now, for something completely different, I thought I'd share some photos of some of our Christmas trees. Not a bit of Cricut or a Design Studio file involved at all on the ones I post tonight, but I do have a few "specials" up my sleeve that I can post after the big day.
The first tree to go up most years is in the front hall and it is full of Santa ornaments that I have collected over the years - still adding a few more each year but I am nearly out of room!

Here is a closer view showing the Star Santa tree topper

The mantle in the Family room is also full of Santas - mostly larger ones that couldn't go on a tree.

In the Dining Room nearly all the decorations are blue, white or silver. This is the mantle

and here is the Nativity scene close up - it is modern Dedham pottery which is a Massachusetts speciality.

Of course, there are a few more Santas too!

The tree in the Dining Room has crystal and sparkly ornaments and a few special silver balls.

Here is a closer view - it is hard to capture the sparkle in a photo but in real life it just glitters!

My favorite thing is the view in the mirror as you enter the room from the back hall - the tree is reflected and it makes the room glow.

In the Family Room we have an upside down tree (!) This one is perfect for all the delicate glass ornaments that look best when they are displayed dangling - the unusual shape means that there are many places to hang these and they are high off the ground and generally safe from little hands! We also place a table in front of the tree to help prevent a crashing disaster!

Here is a closer view looking up

and from the side (before the icicles and garlands were added).

We have had a big snowstorm over the past few days and this (somewhat blurry - call it artistic effect!) is how our large outdoor tree and the lights on the fence look tonight,

Here is how the tree on the deck looked last week

and here it is tonight - it seems to be shrinking!

One more snow picture - not a good day to eat outside!

So -I am still decorating - and will be for another day or so. I love putting up the trees and once they are up they will stay up for a while (well into January).
Our only real tree is a "Charlie Brown tree" which we put in our sunroom. The lights are on it but the decorating will wait for both of our sons to be home (the college student is home and the older one arrives tomorrow night). I will try to post a few more photos of the rest of the trees - but I think you probably get the idea - I do have a bit of a CDO (a Christmas Decorating Obsession)!
I may be able to fit in a design post or two before Thursday, but, just in case I don't, I want to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!