There were some problems with the servers last night so Creative Memories has extended the Birthday Bash sale one more day. If you missed the ordering deadline you have a chance to get the sale prices for one more day. The sale now ends at 11:59 p.m. Central Time today, July 26, 2012.
I am pasting in the photos and info from my July 1st post about the sale to make it easier to see the sale items.
There is a 25% off sale on their top 25 picks which runs from July 1 - 25th (NOW JULY 26th). Click HERE to go to the sale page and click HERE to read more about the Birthday Bash.
Here are the first 14 items that are on sale (please click on the image to make the photo larger).
These are the rest of the sale items. Both the Memory Manager and the StoryBook Creator programs are on sale. There is an updated version of Memory Manager coming soon, so the price is $19.95 for the full 3.0 version and $5.95 for the upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0 starting today. This price will continue until the new 4.0 version of Memory Manager is available. I don't know yet what the price will be for the 4.0 Program or the upgrade from 3.0 to 4.0, but I will let you know as soon as that information is available.
Memory Manager is the program I use to do all of my photo editing and organization. StoryBook Creator is the digital scrapping (and so much more) creative program. I have worked with both of the programs for years now and they just keep getting better and better.
All of the digital artwork - papers, embellishments and templates is 30% off until July 25th (both downloads and CDs). Click HERE to go to the Digital Sale page. The sale prices will appear when the items are added to the shopping cart.
During the month of July, you can also join the Rewards Club for $25 - a savings of $14 from the usual price of $39. When you join, you receive and immediate credit of $10 and then earn a club credit of 15% of the retail amount of each order you make. Click HERE to go to the Rewards Club page.
If you do not have a local Creative Memories consultant, I would be happy to help you with any questions. You can shop on my Creative Memories personal website and have your order delivered directly to your address.
I'll change the email feed so if you are a subscriber you should receive this update today - apologies in advance if it doesn't reach you before the sale ends.
I am gradually getting things back to normal around the house. I decided to be brave and take some "before" photos of the chaos in my craftroom - I won't share those until I have some "after" photos to go with them!
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