A few days ago I told you all that I had been asked to be part of a great giveaway - I am so excited to let you know that it starts today! You can enter to qualify for the amazing Workbox giveaway taking place on October 12, 2009.
Enter on my blog from September 28-October 8, 2009
Enter to win your choice of a Ribbon box or the ScrapMaBob
The winner on my blog will then be eligible
for the amazing Workbox giveaway taking place on October 12, 2009.
Enter to win your choice of a Ribbon box or the ScrapMaBob
The winner on my blog will then be eligible
for the amazing Workbox giveaway taking place on October 12, 2009.

The winner will then be entered into the Grand Prize Giveaway--
a Workbox in their choice of color and style.
a Workbox in their choice of color and style.
How would you like to own every crafter's dream organizing system? The Workbox does it all for Scrapbookers, Stampers, Cricut lovers (there is a special place to store it), Quilters, Artists, anyone with a creative bug could fill this thing up!
The whole thing folds up, hides the mess, and then easily moves wherever you need it to go on wheels. This is a sturdy piece of furniture which will hold everything imaginable in a beautiful storage space.
The Original Scrapbox will give away ONE Workbox to a lucky person. There will be 10 finalists selected from 10 different blogs to be entered in the final giveaway.
Simply leave a comment on THIS POST and be sure to give me the information I would need to contact you if your comment number is selected by the random number generator. If there is no contact information, I will run the random number generator again to choose another comment. You do not need a Google account to leave a comment - you can check "Anonymous" and leave your information in the comment itself. Only comments left on THIS POST will be eligible.
You may make 1 extra entry each for doing the following (Please make a separate comment for each thing you do): No purchase necessary to enter. Entries that do not follow all of the entry requirements will not be considered.
- Visit The Original Scrapbox website and choose your favorite product. Leave a comment here and tell me what your favorite is and why you would like this product.
- Become a Facebook fan of The Original Scrapbox here.
- Facebook the contest and share the code for $100 off shipping: 100writes
- Tweet about this contest with link backs here and share the code for $100 off shipping:100writes (copy and paste http://capadiadesigns.blogspot.com/ right into the text box).
- If you enjoy my blog, subscribe to my feed and/or become a follower (if you already subscribe or follow just tell me this in a separate comment).
- Blog about this contest with a picture of the Workbox. If you have a private blog, it will not be eligible for this part of the contest. In your blog post, please use the tags: The Original Scrapbox, Scrapbook storage, Workbox.
- Blog about any other item offered from The Original Scrapbox and include this information word for word: Enter this code when you place your order to get $100 off your shipping: 100Writes
Please note that the contest is open to residents of the UK and EU countries as well as the United States and Canada.
Everyone can win - if you don't win the giveaway but decide to place an order to purchase the Workbox you can enter this code to get $100 off your shipping: 100Writes
More ways to enter:
There are 9 other awesome bloggers holding a contest to choose the 10 finalists for the Workbox Giveaway. Stop by their blogs and enter for more chances to win.
Rachelles Writing Spot
Make It and Love It
Vanilla Joy
Auntie Thesis
The Mommy Files
My Organized Chaos
Life As Lou
Cricut Christmas
On October 10, 2009, I will announce the name of one winner who can select their choice of the Ribbon Box OR the ScrapMaBob and then go on for the grand prize drawing for The Workbox.
The drawing for the Workbox will take place on October 12, 2009 on www.rachellewrites.blogspot.
I am lucky to have a finished basement with plenty of room for my studio but I think one of these Workboxes would be fabulous for someone with limited space who needs to scrap in the main part of the house. If you have young children you can simply close it up when you are done working and keep all of your supplies safe and sound. You can also hide the mess!
I wish you all good luck - someone will be getting an incredible prize!
Am I the first? I would love to win the ribbon box. The other thing is nice too, but I have one similar from CM.
I have never seen this scrapbox before but I now have to wipe the drool off of my keyboard! This is a beautiful storage unit that I would love to win.
ReplyDeleteH Gunther
I am also already a follower of your blog.
I would love an opportunity to win these wonderful prizes. Pat P. tpmk222@aol.com
ReplyDeleteI have become a facebook friend of the Original Scrapbox. Pat P
I am already a member following your blog.
I visited their website and my favorite scrapbox is the fullsize white beadboard. Pat P
My favorite would be the craft box. The work box would be nice but too big.
ReplyDeleteOh my, I could really DREAM of winning this awesome Workbox!!! This has got to be the GREATEST giveaway ever. Talk about cleaning up a junky workspace! My husband wouldn't know what to think to see a NEAT craft space. And I love that little ribbon box too!
Thanks for letting me participate in this awesome contest! Jeanene (seawolfes@verizon.net)
ReplyDeleteI subscribe to your blog. Thanks again! Jeanene (seawolfes@verizon.net)
ReplyDeleteI really love the ribbon box. What a tidy way to organize the mess I currently have! Jeanene (seawolfes@verizon.net)
ReplyDeleteBoy this would be better than winning the lottery!!
ReplyDeleteNeva Phillips spikespeak@charter.net
This would be just another excuse to buy more stuff. I have been looking at this lately. Keeps things neat.
ReplyDeleteWOW -- what a wonderful giveaway!!
WHat a cool giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI think I need one of those Scrapmabobs. I had something similar but it broke.
This is my entry for visiting The Origional Scrapbox Website.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite product would be the EZView desk. Right now I have a table, but a desk would be ideal and I could leave works in progress within EZView but away from messy hands!!
Thanks again!
I would LOVE to win! It sure would help clear up my mess!
Oh I would love to own one of these!! It would be wonderful to have everything in one place and work to my hearts content and then close the doors and mess is gone!!!
ReplyDeletePick me...lol
How cool! I love this product! Anything to help me get more organizes is a great thing!
ReplyDeleteI hope you're having a wonderful trip, Cap!
I have also become a FAN of The Original Scrapbox on Facebook!!!
ReplyDeleteI visited the Scrapbox website. My favorite of course would be the original Workbox -what a dream! Of course, I'd need a whole new room to put it in!
ReplyDeleteI would love to win a ScrapMaBob. I have one and it has a permenant home on my computer table as my hubby has claimed it. So I would like one for my craft table. Hubby does have good tastes.
ReplyDeleteWooHoo - another entry! I became a fan on facebook!
ReplyDeleteThis one's an easy entry - Of Course I'm a follower/subscriber to your blog! Love your daily email updates! Thanks for everything you do, Cap!
ReplyDeleteI would love to have the ribbon box. To say my ribbon is in quite a mess is an understaetment. I just found the dog in there after 3 days of huntig for him. Just kidding - it is quite the mess though.
ReplyDeleteMe again -- just blogged about this on my facebook!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have tweeted the contest and the code for $100 shipping off
ReplyDeleteTwitter account: cheripearce
I am a loyal follower of Capadia Designs!
ReplyDeleteOh wow! This would be an awesome winning!Thanks so much for sharing the opportunity with us!
Wow what awesome prizes! thanks for the chance
Wow what awesome prizes, love the ribbon box! thanks for the chance
ReplyDeleteI took a look at this wonderful Original Work Box at the Scrapbook Expo in San Jose,California. It is an awesome storage unit!
ReplyDeleteRamona- Monanisa@yahoo.com
Hello Diane! I was so excited about the chance to win I forgot to tell you which one! I would like the ribbon box if chosen. Thanks tons again.
I love your site. Please enter me in the contest. Here is my contact info clarysel.austin@danaher.com.
ReplyDeleteI have blogged about this contest with a picture of the Workbox
ReplyDeleteat Cthecricut.blogspot.com
I have blogged about this contest with a picture of the Workbox
ReplyDeleteat Cthecricut.blogspot.com
I have blogged about this contest with a picture of the Workbox
ReplyDeleteat Cthecricut.blogspot.com
I just added a comment to my face book.
ReplyDeleteWow - I've never seen the chance to win things from The Original Scrapbox - too cool!!
ReplyDeleteI would like to win the ScrapMaBob. I've seen these used at craft stores and I get really messy when I scrap so this would come in handy. jeansaporito@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI have also blogged about the EZ VIEW Craft Desk at
I have also blogged about the EZ VIEW Craft Desk at
I have also blogged about the EZ VIEW Craft Desk at
I have also blogged about the EZ VIEW Craft Desk at
I have also blogged about the EZ VIEW Craft Desk at
Love your blog, Diane! It's one of the first things I check each morning. Could sure use the ribbon box as I have ribbon everywhere and need to get it better organized.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win the Workbox - a dream come true!
Hi Diane,
ReplyDeleteWow! Sure wouldn't mind having one of those boxes!! Please enter me in the drawing. My contact info is: vampme3@yahoo.com. Thank you.
Hi Diane,
ReplyDeleteI am also a subscriber to your blog, so would you please enter me again? Thanks. Contact info: vampme3@yahoo.com.
Thanks again,
and good luck to everyone!!
Wow! I never heard of the workbox before. This looks so neat! I love how the doors close and leave the mess inside! Currently, I have a small place in my finished basement that I have set up for my "creative adventures."
at cox dot net
I would love to win the ScrapMaBob
ReplyDeleteand the Workbox would be great too.
I also linked to my blog at
>>>if you already subscribe or follow just tell me this in a separate comment.
ReplyDeleteI subscribe!
at cox dot net
Love your blog, Diane. Just wanted to let you know that I am a subscriber and I would LOVE to win the Ribbon Box - my ribbons need organization!
ReplyDeleteMy contact # is 803-984-6171.
PS-I also became a fan of the Original Scrapbox.
wow what a chance for a great prize I would love to win thanks for the chance
OMG ... so cool! I woudl love to entered to win this great prize. Thanks for the opportunity.
ReplyDeleteDebbie Cimmino
Hi Diane. Yes I would love to win a workbox. Sign me up:
ReplyDeleteHolly Snow
i look forward to your blog every day. thank you for sharing all your talent with the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteJodi Ake, pepsijake@hotmail.com,
What a cool giveaway! OH I hope this time my lucky number gets picked!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI Twittered... or tweeted... or twitted...or whatever! lol
Gosh? Favorite product? The Workbox of course! But i fear it's too big for my little craft room. So I would be happy with a minibox or even the craftbox. :) Anything that gives me STORAGE, which my house is seriously lacking, is FAB in my book.
ReplyDeleteI am a fan of The Original Scrapbox on Facebook :)
ReplyDeleteAnd.... I posted a message on Facebook about their contest/giveaway :)
ReplyDeleteI love the easyview craft desk ,it would be so usefull in the craft room hubby has promised me
ReplyDeleteIm a scrapbox fcebook fan...mitch1066
ReplyDeleteI want to win! My scraproom needs help asap, and this would be great! Pick me!
ReplyDeletewhat a great prize. read your blog every day. tx
ReplyDeletei became a facebook follower of Original Scrap box.
ReplyDeleteI love this workbox - please enter me!
wow, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win any of this to help de-clutter my craft space!! My hubby would love it too. heh heh.
ReplyDeleteI have been looking at these workboxs for awhile now. I currently don't have an extra room in my house and my crafts are everywhere! I would love to win the natural wood look cabinet.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonder prize! I'd like the ScrapMaBob, but I'd be thrilled to have the Ribbon box too. Thanks for this opportunity.
ReplyDeleteI like the Minibox I could keep it in my living room to keep an eye on the kids, then put it away from small hands. It looks beautiful when closed too.
ReplyDeleteAm I the first? Wow. I really love the mini beadboard workbox. So Cool.
ReplyDeleteI am always telling my husband that our next house needs to have a craft room, but with a workbox. I would have to move! haha! LOVE IT!
ReplyDeletesuch an amazing giveaway!
ReplyDeleteLove the Workbox!! Great storage and organizing system!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite product is their minibox. Love that it gives you and added work surface!!
ReplyDeleteOhhh, I want one! Thanks so much for this opportunity!
I love this work box. I am putting it on my blog right now. I think everyone should have one of these..
ReplyDeleteAdded you to my Google Reader!
ReplyDeleteLove all your designs and always look forward to your posts. I would love to win the ribbon box. You can reach me at mmontecalvo@verizon.net. Welcome back from Italy!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, that is an amazing giveway!!!!
ReplyDeleteirie.momma.blog (at) gmail (dot) com
Oh, I'd sure like the ribbon box and to be entered for a chance to win the workbox.
ReplyDeleteSign me up.
Oh I would LOVE to win the ribbon box! My husband hates all the piles of ribbon I have laying around!
I adore the extra large cutting board! I sew clothes and this would be a HUGE HELP!!
I am a facebook fan!
ReplyDeleteI'd love a chance to win a workbox. I like the black beadboard one. It would go perfect in my little tiny bedroom where I don't have any room to store all my stuff.
blogged about it!
blogged about it
blogged about it
blogged about it
blogged about it
blogged about it
blogged about it
blogged about it
blogged about it
blogged about it
Wow fisrt one?!?!? It would be awesome to have the workbox to organize all my stuff into one spot that would look so beutiful!!
ReplyDeletehmeichmann at gmail . com
i would like the black raised panel workbox. I also like the scrapmabop!!!
ReplyDeleteI became a fan on FB of the original scrapbox
ReplyDeleteI posted about the original scrapbox giveaway on FB and the 100writes shipping thingy!
ReplyDeleteOoh, I want a Workbox! Or a Ribbon box or a ScrapMaBob.
I love the beadboard one in vanilla. So pretty!
ReplyDeleteIt has been facebooked.
ReplyDeleteI'm your follower!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to enter the contest!
I'm in LOVE with that ribbon box! I need like 20!
I'm a facebook fan
I commented about the $100 off shipping on facebook
I really really like the EZ View desktop! It adds so much to the desk. Too bad I'd have to cover it so the mess isn't viewed, because even with organizational tools, nothing seems organized!
ReplyDeleteThanks for giving us a chance to win this giga blog candy.
You can have my email just by clicking on my name!
ReplyDeleteSecond chance: I'm a follower.
ReplyDeleteThird chance:
My favorite product is definitively "The CraftBox : Vanilla Raised Panel". I often go to this site and look at it. I'm dreaming of having one. I also like the ScrapMaBob; keeping working area clean.
Thanks for giving us a chance to win.
My friend just got one of these and I have been green with envy! I'm so excited to have the chance, now to win one of my own. Yippee!
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome giveaway!! My favorite is the Minibox: vanilla beadboard. It is the perfect solution for any crafter with limited space. I love all the storage as well as the desk on top! jaymissy1@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteOh, and I'm already a subscribed reader. :)
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to win the ribbon box!
ReplyDeleteI would really LOVE to win that raised panel black workbox!
Then maybe, I could become a real crafter.
I'd love to win! majesty_2004@yahoo.com
ReplyDeletemy favorite product is the EZview desktop because it can go on an existing desk, you can work right on top, and it has visible storage!
i tweeted about the contest!
Thank you so much for this opportunity as well! :)
ReplyDeleteI really love, and think that I would choose, the ScrapMaBob. It would be perfect for when I take the afternoon to cross stitch. I use an old film roll container right now for my scraps of thread.
I really like the mini work box. It would fit great in my studio.
ReplyDeletepost1 - I blogged
ReplyDeletepost2 - I blogged
ReplyDeletepost3 - I blogged
ReplyDeletepost4 - I blogged
ReplyDeletepost5 - I blogged
ReplyDeletepost1 - I blogged about the coupon code too
ReplyDeletepost2 - I blogged about the coupon code too
ReplyDeletepost3 - I blogged about the coupon code too
ReplyDeletepost4 - I blogged about the coupon code too
ReplyDeletepost5 - I blogged about the coupon code too
ReplyDeleteI would love to buy the craftbox in white beadboard, if I didn't win the workbox
ReplyDeleteMy favorite item from the Original Scrapbox website is the Black Raised Panel Workbox.
ReplyDeleteI have so much cross stitch goodies and a good stash of kits to do that need a home other than the top shelf of my bookshelf. I also need a safe place to store my sewing machine and fabric when not in use. This would just be a life saver!
Holy cow! This is great! I love it! pick me!
I love the workbox, but I really like the mini workbox too! what a great invention!
I am a facebook fan!
I am facebooking this as we speak!
I am a fan of The Original Scrapbox on Facebook.
I LOVE that workbox, it is amazing! My hubby would sure love me to have my mess contained! my email is lmjharper@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI need to store all my stuff in the Black Beadboard Workbox!!!!
ReplyDeleteI also Facebooked the contest.
ReplyDeleteI am also a follower!
I blogged it extra entry # 2
I blogged it extra entry # 3
I blogged it extra entry # 6
I blogged it extra entry # 7
I blogged it extra entry # 8
I blogged it extra entry # 9
Yes I like entering contest. And I could use storage. So thank you. Susan
I tweeted about your contest and the code! :)
I am now following your blog! :)
Wow! What a great opportunity! Thanks, Diane and The Original Scrapbox!
Ohhh! How I would love a Work Box!
ReplyDeleteBrittney. Email me at oliviasplayhouse@gmail.com
I am so excited about this give-away! :)
I visited the website and I would like a vanilla beadboard workbox! Thanks again
My favorite product is the Minibox in White Bead board. I love it!
I became a fan on Facebook!
I changed my facebook status and mentioned the give-away and the shipping code.
I blogged about the contest with a picture on my craft blog.
I blogged about the contest with a picture on my craft blog.
I blogged about the Minibox that I love and included the word-for-word sentence about the shipping code.
I blogged about the Minibox that I love and included the word-for-word sentence about the shipping code.
I blogged about the Minibox that I love and included the word-for-word sentence about the shipping code.
I blogged about the Minibox that I love and included the word-for-word sentence about the shipping code.
Wow this is a FANTASTIC giveaway!!!!! Thank you so much for doing this!!!
My favorite product on there is the ribbon organizer, simply because I have no good way of storing my ribbon as of right now and it looks so clean :)
Oh yeah sorry last comment I am also a facebook fan now and facebook'ed about the deal. And I am a follower of your blog too. Welcome home!!
ReplyDeletethanks for the chance of cool stuff.
ReplyDeleteWinning the workbox would be amazing - it would fit so much crafting suppies (probably more than I have). (email: SanisiUK@aol.com)
ReplyDeleteI would love the black craft box! I'm getting divorced and will have to move to a much smaller place. This would really help out :)
ReplyDeleteI like the look of the minibox (and anything mini is cool in my opinion). (email: SanisiUK@aol.com)
ReplyDeleteYes I follow your blog. And I really like your cards. Thank you
WOW! I love that workbox! What a fabulous idea!
Wow! What a great giveaway! Thanks for the inspiration! stamp at jarvi dot com
ReplyDeleteOh how I hope I win!!!!! I LOVE their vanilla beadboard minibox as well, if you were more pressed for space or money! Love the organization this offers!!!
craftifyit at gmail dot com
Pick me!
This is a awesome giveaway!
I am a facebook fan of the scrapbox
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog via google reader.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is the workbox in vanilla raised panel because I need a lot of storage for all of my scrapbooking supplies.
ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful prize!
Oh yes ... please enter me. I'd love to win the ScrapMaBob ... and also be included in the Scrapbox give-away! Oh Oh Oh ... I need this badly!!!!
I am so excited! I hope I win.
My favorite product that I could afford is the ribbon box. It holds so much more than others I've seen.
ReplyDeleteI'm also a Scrapbox Facebook fan.
I would like an entry please! What an awesome giveaway. email is peterson.susanna@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is the workbox of course. I like the raised panel in black.
ReplyDeleteI've got you on my blog at Pretty Little Things
ReplyDeleteand # 1~The EZ View DeskTop (in Black) is just awesome, being able to SEE everyhtign is simply invaluable!
I've got you on my blog at Pretty Little Things
ReplyDeleteand # 2~I'm a Facebook fan
I've got you on my blog at Pretty Little Things
ReplyDeleteand #3~The contest and code for $100 off shipping: 100writes is on Facebook
I've got you on my blog at Pretty Little Things
ReplyDeleteand # 1~I'm a follower
I've got you on my blog at Pretty Little Things
ReplyDeleteAnd the opportunities for these entries are awesome - thanks !
1~Blog about this contest with a pic & tags
1 of 5
I've got you on my blog at Pretty Little Things
ReplyDeleteAnd the opportunities for these entries are awesome - thanks !
1~Blog about this contest with a pic & tags
2 of 5
I've got you on my blog at Pretty Little Things
ReplyDeleteAnd the opportunities for these entries are awesome - thanks !
1~Blog about this contest with a pic & tags
3 of 5
I've got you on my blog at Pretty Little Things
ReplyDeleteAnd the opportunities for these entries are awesome - thanks !
1~Blog about this contest with a pic & tags
4 of 5
I've got you on my blog at Pretty Little Things
ReplyDeleteAnd the opportunities for these entries are awesome - thanks !
1~Blog about this contest with a pic & tags
5 of 5
I've got you on my blog at Pretty Little Things
ReplyDeleteAnd the opportunities for these entries are awesome - thanks !
2~Blog about any other item with the code
1 of 5